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Y aquí una wiki colaborativa con la que ya nunca más te quejarás que no encuentras cosas interesantes por internet:
Y para muestra un botón os dejo esta maravilla «Deep Lab book es una compilación de reflexiones sobre cultura digital, el Internet post-Snowden y el ciberfeminismo»:
“Deep Lab book is a compilation of reflections on digital culture, the post-Snowden Internet, and cyberfeminism. Created in five days by a dozen women, it represents the capstone to Deep Lab, a congress of cyberfeminist researchers, organized by Frank-Ratchye STUDIO Fellow Addie Wagenknecht to examine how the themes of privacy, security, surveillance, anonymity, and large-scale data aggregation are problematized in the arts, culture and society.
During the second week of December 2014, the Deep Lab participants—a group of internationally acclaimed new-media artists, information designers, data scientists, software engineers, hackers, writers, journalists and theoreticians—gathered to engage in critical assessments of contemporary digital culture. They worked collaboratively at the STUDIO in an accelerated pressure project, blending aspects of a booksprint, hackathon, dugnad, charrette, and a micro-conference. The outcomes of this effort include the visualizations, software, reflections and manifestos compiled in this book; an album of ten lecture presentations, the Deep Lab Lecture Series; and a documentary film featuring interviews with the Deep Lab participants.”
By Addie Wagenknecht, Allison Burtch, Claire L. Evans, Denise Caruso, Harlo Holmes, Ingrid Burrington, Jillian C. York, Jen Lowe, Kate Crawford, Lindsay Howard, Lorrie Faith Cranor & CUPS, Maddy Varner, Maral Pourkazemi, and Runa A. Sandvik.
Publisher Deep Lab and Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon University, Dec 2014
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
ISBN 978-1-312-77551-0
234 pages
PDF (109 MB)
Deep Lab Lectures Series (in 10 videos, Dec 2014)
Documentary (18 min)
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3 comentarios en «<span class='p-name'>Monoskop & the Deep Lab Book</span>»
Monoskop & the Deep Lab Book Aunque no es un libro lo que quiero meter en La Buchaca esta vez, esta web se merece un post especial y dedicado. Y es que cada vez que me encuentro con un esfuerzo titánico como el que hace esta gente de documentar y registrar libros, videos y publicaciones sobre Art, Culture & Media Technology se me saltan las lágrimas.
@moshpirit hecho. Ademas, @snowden recomienda signal, no libresignal. No todo lo que diga va a ser mejor. Usa twitter, al fin y al cabo.
@agodidactica @drymer Pues parece que no es así. LibreSignal también pide Google Services.