Building a digital garden

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    El desarrollo, la fermentación, la reflexión. Dónde maduran las ideas yendo a otro estadio sin saber aún cuál.

Reflexión sobre Flow & Stock para la construcción de un jardín digital y cómo al principio nos generaba confusión en el Club Manhattan.

Volviendo a leer sobre el Stock y el Flow a propósito de los jardines digitales me queda siempre la cuestión si caso el Flow no es aquello que encontramos y publicamos para luego volver a modo de documentación y el Stock aquello que meditamos más y que escribimos a modo de «durable stuff».

Stock over flow –

If you’re familiar with this blog then the chances are high that you’ve read this seminal piece from Robin Sloan: stock and flow. Robin lays out (in 2010!) the concept of stock and flow:

Flow is the feed. It’s the posts and the tweets. It’s the stream of daily and sub-daily updates that reminds people you exist. Stock is the durable stuff. It’s the content you produce that’s as interesting in two months (or two years) as it is today. It’s what people discover via search. It’s what spreads slowly but surely, building fans over time.

And is clear not to deride flow – it’s the currency of the modern world – but rather to ensure you’re well-balanced:

You can tell that I want you to stop and think about stock here. I feel like we all got really good at flow, really fast. But flow is ephemeral, while stock sticks around. Stock is capital. Stock is protein. And the real magic trick is to put them both together. To keep the ball bouncing with your flow—to maintain that open channel of communication—while you work on some kick-ass stock in the background. Sacrifice neither. The hybrid strategy.

Personally? I’m out of balance. I spend too much time in flow and not nearly enough in stock.

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